Lythronyx, a vast and diverse world, is divided into four unique continents, each with its own distinct character. Tharlion, the heartland of ten mighty kingdoms and the legendary Brotherhood, is a land brimming with history and intrigue. The Wetlands of Draken, once the birthplace of a great family, now stand as a radioactive expanse imbued with chaotic magic, a transformation wrought by the ravages of the Great Techno-Arcane War. To the north, the Frozen Lands stretch out, a vast and enigmatic territory cloaked in ice, whispering secrets of an ancient past. Finally, Virex stands as a testament to transformation; once the cradle of the now-extinct Rulan Empire, it has risen anew as the formidable bastion of the Cyborg Empire. Each continent in Lythronyx weaves its own part of an epic tapestry, setting the stage for tales of adventure, conflict, and discovery.